Get Your Paint Booth Ready for 2013

John Mauney
Electrical Engineer
Standard Tools and Equipment Co.


‘Tis the season, as they say, for some family time and hopefully a little shop down time. While your booth is enjoying it’s vacation, now is the perfect time to do a once over and make sure you are properly maintaining your booth throughout the year. Here are a few things to check to prepare for the New Year!

Check all of your filters. This is especially important if you have a non-heated booth with a top canopy that has filters. If the filters are loaded and dirty, it puts more negative pressure on the door seals. We offer Filter Kits if you find yourself needing to replace yours.

Check your door seals on the product doors and the personnel door. If the door seals are gone, then air and dust are sucked in around the doors and on to the product resulting in that dirty word “BUFFING”. If they need to be replaced, you can find these seals at any hardware store. Just peel and stick.

 “If there’s a streak, there’s a leak”.  Check around the bottom of the booth, it should be caulked to the floor. This is very important if you use water in your booth for dust control. Water under the bottom channel will shorten the life of the booth due to rusting. Check around the light frames for a proper seal.

A little time with weather stripping, a caulking gun, and some new filters can save you big in the years to come.